Thursday, November 28, 2019

Reflection Paper - Wagner Self Concept free essay sample

According to Wagner, self-concept is that image or mental picture of our invisible self, a feeling of being a person, sense of somebody or of being nobody (p. 5). There are three functional aspects of self concept: appearance, performance and status. It is noteworthy that our feeling of identity of being somebody is derived from feelings when rated by others (p. 13). I could identify with these three aspects of self-concept. Several years ago, when I left my job to be a stay home mum, I struggled with redefining my self-concept. What am I? Why is Self-concept important? While I subsequently found my significance in Christ, I am further enlightened by Wagner’s discussion on of self-concept and its importance. An adequate self-concept is a precious possession that enable one live a useful and productive life, he is emotionally secure and functions from inner resources in a crisis. He accepts his appearance and views his shortcomings as problems to be overcome and not judge himself as a bad person. We will write a custom essay sample on Reflection Paper Wagner Self Concept or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page He functions because he knows he is and not always trying to become. A person with inadequate self-concept tends to focus his energy and efforts to establish his self-identity, to measure up, his mind is divided into coping with his rectifying this inadequacy and normal living (p. x, 15) What Make Up Self-concept? Wagner paints a picture depicting the cycle of how inadequate self-concept is developed. The feelings of belonging, worthiness and competence form the essential elements of self-concept, they blended together like musical chords (p. 17). When one’s sense of being somebody is threatened, he reacts negatively with hostility, guilt or fear. When he tries to force the situation to change through his hostility, he loses his sense of belonging. When he forces himself to change because he is feeling guilty, he compromises his worthiness. In fear or anxiety tries to protect himself from the threat, his competence is lost. The elements of self-concept are all weakened and emotional insecurity increases and these negatives reactions block empathy and he cannot sense love or show love. Therefore in attempting to correct the threat, his hostility, guilt and fears interfere with the remedy (p. 28). This is very illuminating to me, it enables me to have a good understanding of the causes and effects of emotions in self-concept, which is so crucial if I will be a counselor in future. How did Self-concept come from? Wagner believed that one’s self-concept is accumulated from memories from the day he is born, from basic need of feeding, teething and toilet training and later discipline. The needs and emotions of these growing up activities all affected his emotions of belonging, worthiness, and competence and ultimately his sense of being somebody or nobody. If he is raised with love and correct discipline, these beneficial influences will develop in good self-concept. However if his critical emotional needs are not met, the child is often angry and manipulative of his parents and parental love is given conditional on his performance, the child will develop an inadequate self-concept. While I am no expert in this area, I had some reservations about this. Childhood experiences while important cannot be the sole contributory factor in development of self-concept. Too much blame is apportioned to ineffective parenting. Many of our parents’ love are not ideal and somewhat lacking. In the sixties where I grew up, economies were bad, families were large. Parents spend much of their time stressed out trying to put food on the table. Love if existent was non expressive and unfelt. Disciplines were strict and severe. But a whole generation has grown into adults; many are well adjusted individuals with adequate self concept and functioning properly. My personal opinion is that, what is past is passed; there is no point in examining too much what happened during childhood. We should instead focus on remedy and healing and what can be done. Having said that, I would agree with Wagner that love for our children must not be conditional upon his performance or behavior. As far as possible we must love our children with an unrelenting and voluntary love (p. 47). In disciplining our children, care must be taken not to do so in anger or humiliate him. We must not be overly strict but allow the child space to explore and experiment (p. 63). What Self-concept is not – False Security and Self Verification False security is caused by repression of unwanted feelings and keeping hese out of awareness, when hostility, guilt and fear is repressed, insecurities developed. When the nobody is repressed, the person proves to himself through his appearance, performance or status that he is not a nobody. This process is called self-verification and relate to three basic desires: being wanted (belonging), being good (worthiness) and being adequate (competence) (pp. 9 5- 96). Self verification gives temporary feelings of being somebody, but the need for this process keep recurring, therefore it is self-perpetuating. I felt that this is good insight why insecure people worked so hard to look good, and to succeed. Unfortunately self verifications do not work, as evidenced by King Solomon’s conclusion in Ecclesiastes 1:2 Meaningless! Meaningless! . . . Utterly meaningless! Everything is meaningless Many people climb those ladders to success, only to discover when they reach the top that they are leaning against the wrong wall! The only identity equation that works is me +GOD = ME. What is secure self-concept? Secure self-concept must be based on unconditional love which is found only in God’s love. God is the only reliable source of true love as God is love (1 John4:8). God loves us because we are somebody to Him. We have intrinsic value. He did not love us because we love Him, His love cannot be manipulated, He is someone in authority who is always honest and fair and does not hide the truth about us (p. 104). When we come to God in faith we come into a relationship with him, we are firstly justified and healed with a restored sense of being somebody, a sense of awareness as a whole person which in turn give have hope in God and incite obedience to God (pp. 10-113). However, we still need to grow in our ability to move from relatives to absolutes are as God is Holy and good (absolutes) and overcome self-verification. This means that we can accept ourselves as being bad, a nobody because God can accept us in so doing, we are free to move towards being godly, applying ourselves to do God’s will (p. 129). This is so liberating and refreshing. Wagner said that in relating t o God as a Father who accepts us as we are, validates our sense of belonging. God is pleased to acknowledge us as sons (Rom 8:15-17). In relating to Jesus, our sins are forgiven, there is no more guilt and condemnations, our worthiness are validated. In relating to the Holy Spirit, we are comforted and enabled therefore competent. These thoughts are indeed very re-affirming and reassuring. What next? In coming to faith, our self concept is settled, this allows us to love God and others as commanded in Matthew 22:37-39. We may be faced with antagonistic situations that threaten our sense of being somebody. We therefore need to grow in our Christian life through reading God’s Word, prayer and fellowship with other Christians.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Essay Role of Odp Essay Example

Essay Role of Odp Essay Example Essay Role of Odp Paper Essay Role of Odp Paper The role of a qualified operating department practitioner is to provide high standards of peri-operative care to patients whilst also giving skilled support to surgeons, anaesthetists and/or theatre nurses. ODP’s need a broad knowledge and skill base that includes excellent communication skills, management skills and teamwork skills, as they are involved with the assessment, delivery and evaluation of peri-operative care. There are three phases to peri-operative care; the anaesthetic phase, the surgical phase and the recovery phase. Within each phase there is a different role for the ODP to undertake. In the anaesthetic phase ODP’s assist in the care of the patient prior to surgery ensuring the safety and comfort of the patient at all times. They also prepare the anaesthetic equipment and room and assist the anaesthetist throughout. In the surgical phase ODP’s work as part of the operative team in a few roles that include the â€Å"scrubbed† role, infection control, wound management and the application of the aseptic technique. In the process of the surgical phase ODP’s work in the â€Å"scrubbed† role preparing all the equipment and necessary instruments needed for the procedure, working with the surgeon to assist in the procedure providing all the correct instruments and materials. They must also ensure health and safety throughout the surgical procedure and to ensure that all instruments, equipment and swabsare are accountable. ODP’s prepare the theatre and the equipment whilst also acting as a link between the surgical team and other parts of the hospital. In the recovery phase ODP’s are involved in all aspects of patient care in the recovery unit, including monitoring, supporting them and providing treatment until the patient has recovered. ODP’s then assess the patient to evaluate whether they can return to the ward. They then must evaluate the care given during all the three stages of peri-operative care. (NHS careers, 2012). ODP’s tend to have a flexible, adaptable approach to the role and have a caring nature with good communication and teamwork skills as they tend to work with a variety of people like porters, ward nurses, healthcare support workers, theatre nurses, anaesthetists, surgeons, other ODP’s and patients from all walks of life. The role can have its challenges as you are dealing with patients who can become very stressed and/or emotional when coming to theatre and everyone is different so react differently, ODP’s need to be able to deal with all situations quickly and effectively in a caring and professional manner. In the role ODP’s can face other problems that are caused by language barriers and/or communication problems that they will need to overcome, plus more importantly, emergency situations can happen any time and ODP’s need to react quickly and professionally to ensure the safety of the patient and other’s around. The role can be emotionally and physically challenging but it does have its advantages; the role is very diverse throughout with support in all areas. It can involve a good progression up to team manager or theatre manager level with good rates of pay and professional development. As generally with any hospital role this involves shift patterns that can include early (8am-5/6pm), late (12 noon-9pm) and night shifts (9pm-8am), which are around 37. 5 hours a week. (Day in the life, 2012).

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Night Collecting Insects With a Black Light Sheet

Night Collecting Insects With a Black Light Sheet Entomologists often collect night-flying insects using a black light and sheet. The black light is suspended in front of a white sheet. Insects attracted to ultraviolet light fly toward the light, and alight on the sheet. Professional night collecting equipment often consists of a durable white sheet attached to a collapsible frame, constructed from aluminum tubes like to the frame of a camping tent. The black light is suspended from a cord running from the top of the sheet to the ground, or is mounted on a tripod on one or both sides of the sheet. For an amateur insect collector, purchasing this equipment can be expensive. You can make your own night collecting equipment to save money. While your homemade collecting equipment might take a little longer to set up, it will work just as well as equipment purchased commercially. You will need: a length of rope, long enough to span the width between two trees in your chosen collecting areaa black lightan old white sheetclothespins (optional)a power source for your light, if its not battery-operated Tie the rope so it spans between two trees, at about eye level. Make sure you tie it securely, so it will hold the weight of your sheet without drooping. Drape the white sheet over the rope, allowing 1-2 feet of the sheet to lie horizontally on the ground. Some insects prefer to land on vertical surfaces, while others like horizontal surfaces. The latter group will collect on the part of your sheet that is lying on the ground. If your sheet is not long enough, you may need to attach the sheet to the rope using clothespins to allow extra length on the ground. Black lights sold by science or entomology supply companies tend to be more rugged and last longer for outdoor use. You may be able to buy a less expensive black light from a discount or party supply store. If you dont have a black light, you can use an incandescent light, a portable fluorescent light, or even a camping lantern, and still get a good result. Suspend your black light in front of the sheet, near the top. You can tie the light from a branch using some extra rope, or run another length of rope between the trees and attach the light to it. If you use a battery-operated light, you will have more flexibility in locating your collecting sheet. A light that uses AC power may require a long extension cord. At dusk, turn your light on. Monitor the sheet periodically, checking for interesting specimens to collect or photograph. You can use forceps or an aspirator to collect moths, beetles, or other insects that land on your sheet without damaging them.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

t Laughed, I Would Have Cried

I was indestructible. I was ruthless. I broke out, hurling a flurry of precise, mastered and skilful kicks. Each kick grew in supremacy, as I glared at my opponent’s face: grief stricken and glazed with unmistakable distress. Each kick neared her towards tasting the bitterness of a palpable defeat. Rhapsody enticed my face as I smirked mercilessly. I emerged from under the bedclothes and encountered the mottled morning light. Today was the day my dreams would become reality. I had always harboured a competitive streak but I was not always good at actually realising it. This was to be my first Taekwondo competition and the desire to win was overwhelming. I affectionately selected my loose white uniform that hung alongside my green school dress. Each Sunday morning for the past twelve months I had religiously swapped the academic rigidity of school for the physical rigidity of Taekwondo and noticed that even now, the whiteness of my uniform was a little dulled and the threads slightly frayed, revealing the chronic blows that it had suffered. Two badges were sewn onto the front by unorthodox and jagged black threads, visibly overlapping the stark whiteness of my uniform. Each badge bore the fist of a martial artist and was intended to highlight strength, skill and indomitable spirit. However, despite the air of sophistication emitted by the badges, my clumsy Year 10 stitching defeated their purpose as being signs of professionalism. My transformation was almost complete. I picked up my belt and placed it around my waist, cautious to avoid any untidy overlapping. Tying a taut knot, the two remaining straps were left to suspend freely, yet, their presence did nothing except weigh heavily on my pride. I was a yellow belt, a mere novice, and felt demeaned by such a lowly status. Nevertheless I managed to reassure myself, this was to be the final day I would have to endure the humiliation of this sallow shade. I surveyed my ref... 't Laughed, I Would Have Cried Free Essays on If I Hadn\'t Laughed, I Would Have Cried I was indestructible. I was ruthless. I broke out, hurling a flurry of precise, mastered and skilful kicks. Each kick grew in supremacy, as I glared at my opponent’s face: grief stricken and glazed with unmistakable distress. Each kick neared her towards tasting the bitterness of a palpable defeat. Rhapsody enticed my face as I smirked mercilessly. I emerged from under the bedclothes and encountered the mottled morning light. Today was the day my dreams would become reality. I had always harboured a competitive streak but I was not always good at actually realising it. This was to be my first Taekwondo competition and the desire to win was overwhelming. I affectionately selected my loose white uniform that hung alongside my green school dress. Each Sunday morning for the past twelve months I had religiously swapped the academic rigidity of school for the physical rigidity of Taekwondo and noticed that even now, the whiteness of my uniform was a little dulled and the threads slightly frayed, revealing the chronic blows that it had suffered. Two badges were sewn onto the front by unorthodox and jagged black threads, visibly overlapping the stark whiteness of my uniform. Each badge bore the fist of a martial artist and was intended to highlight strength, skill and indomitable spirit. However, despite the air of sophistication emitted by the badges, my clumsy Year 10 stitching defeated their purpose as being signs of professionalism. My transformation was almost complete. I picked up my belt and placed it around my waist, cautious to avoid any untidy overlapping. Tying a taut knot, the two remaining straps were left to suspend freely, yet, their presence did nothing except weigh heavily on my pride. I was a yellow belt, a mere novice, and felt demeaned by such a lowly status. Nevertheless I managed to reassure myself, this was to be the final day I would have to endure the humiliation of this sallow shade. I surveyed my ref...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Student as a Product Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Student as a Product - Assignment Example There are also a number of responsibilities attached to it. These include among others, target marketing to augment the company’s sales function and management and delivery of market research. The job also requires its holder to investigate and regularly distribute competitor intelligence and research. The basic pay attached to this position is $60,000 - $80,000 per year on a full-time employment basis (BAE Systems Detica, p.1). According to the government, defense and security companies are a formidable avenue of personal and national growth. As a certified security provider, BAE Systems Detica is at the forefront of intelligence security. National security has been of major concern since 9/11, making the intelligence security industry a thriving and integrated sector of the economy. Regulatory and demographic trends within the industry entail among others government streamlining of the intelligence security sector through regulations (Farese, Kimbrell, and Woloszyk, p. 497). Furthermore, the current demographics show the incident of national insecurity as lower than previous years; this means that more attention can be paid to augmenting the current intelligence systems to offer robust services in the future. Competitors for this job have a great understanding of the financial services regulatory environment, as well as experience of working alongside third party suppliers who are predominant in the industry. The industry is not very competitive as few companies offer such comprehensive intelligence solutions. With regard to my SWOT analysis, my major strengths are proficiency in written and verbal English, as well as fluent communication of French. In addition, I am a self starter and innately motivated person always willing to further my knowledge scope. Major weakness is my inability to adjust to new environments quickly. I can enhance my strengths by enrolling in training programs to augment my knowledge of the intelligence industry. Minimizing my weaknesses will entail forming cordial relations with those in my new environment. The biggest competitive advantage I have is my adeptness in computer systems and knowledge of advanced computer programming. The external environment offers immense opportunities such as training programs on financial, regulatory systems of the world, in addition to other languages, for example, German and Spanish, which are essential in the intelligence industry. The environment also poses the threat of competition. It is highly probable that there are other job applicants better qualified than me (Karnes and Stephens, p. 178). Upon graduation, my personal objectives shall include improving my skills through continuous training to horn my knowledge of pertinent matters, as well as augmenting my interrelation skills and team spirit, which are essential in everyday life and the work environment, by engaging in community service such as peer education. Professionally, I endeavor to employ my competencie s and capabilities effectively, while at the same time coordinating my efforts with other team members. As a product, in order to meet the needs of the employer, I need to be adept in both written and verbal communication and have good presentation skills. Correspondingly, I have immense

To describe and assess the listeners experience of two different Essay

To describe and assess the listeners experience of two different compositions or two performances of the same composition - Essay Example Sometimes it is created by â€Å"mixing† of several parts of the original composition, superimposing various sounds on it, special effects, change the tempo, key, and so on. There are different branches of re-mix, so-called megamix (compilation of several pieces of music), and a re-make re-work. Looking at the pages of musical history, it is worth noting that the dawn of the era of the remix was at the end of the 20th century and nowadays. The fact is hat the technique is developing in parallel with improvement of remixing recording equipment. If person means taking as a basis the essence re-mix, reworking the melody, this trend has appeared in music long before the development of technology. One of the distinguishing features of the popularization of remixes, for example, the front direction of dance music, was the desire of musicians and DJs to return to the former popularity in some songs, giving them a â€Å"second birth†. In 1972, when songs like "Hey Jude" The Beatles and "Layla" by Eric Clapton and Derek and the Dominos paved the way long songs in the charts, re-issued it and â€Å"Nights in White Satin† quickly gained gold status. The song was written by Justin Hayward, when he stayed with a friend in Swindon in England on a bed with satin sheets. Experts find that the song is very autobiographical: the musician has just started a serious relationship (Manuel et al.56). Hayward was only nineteen at that time. Most listeners heard this song in the music collections and on the radio, so not everyone knows that the album called â€Å"Nights in White Satin† was significantly longer. The single cut the orchestral introduction and the final, as well as the poem â€Å"Late complaint† written by keyboardist Mike Pinder and recited by drummer Graeme Edge. It must be said that the record was really teamwork. The authors of all the songs were listed as

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Identify and Summarize Contemporary Issues in Criminal Justice Research Paper

Identify and Summarize Contemporary Issues in Criminal Justice Management - Research Paper Example The system works to protect those who are accused as well; they have rights and opportunities under the system to protect themselves. In today’s criminal justice system the potential pitfalls are not seen to be a problem as much as it has been in the past. The criminal justice system is equal and is said not to take religion, race or any social differences into consideration because this would show unequal rights. The rule is that no difference such as the above should reflect the proper application of law. The drawback of the â€Å"unwritten† code in the Criminal Justice System is that colleagues will always side with each other as they will know each other on a personal level; this would be seen as bias. The law enforcement agencies are seen as â€Å"union† which means they all stick together. This has advantaged as working well together helps the system. However on the other hand the serious amount of power that is given to them that could be abused through th e legal system. The Criminal Justice System has three parts to it legislative, adjudication and corrections. Legislative means the law that is created, adjudication is the courts and corrections is the prisons and jails. The Criminal Justice System is made from the three parts above and all agencies work together under the law, to prevent crime and to follow procedures correctly. In America there is a need to defend, protect and shield themselves and their properties. The formation of laws is an essential structure of fortification and the organization of a system to pertain and to impose these laws, is crucial. In this work I will be looking at the contemporary issues in criminal justice management and comparing and contrasting different community organizational and individual’s responses to contemporary. The Criminal Justice System is set to be, â€Å"The purpose of the Criminal Justice System (CJS) is to deliver justice for all.† Criminal Justice is the fundamental system of institution and organizations of governments focussed at preserving crime and stopping crime. The system works to protect those who are accused as well; they have rights and opportunities under the system to protect themselves. The ethical codes in the Criminal Justice System show similarities, however only a minority mentions the Bill of Rights. The Code of Ethics in the Academy of Criminal Justice Science is widespread. The Academy has been told about the issues surrounding them, some say they may misuse powers and try to influence results and misuse their authority in a wrong way. The members of the Academy should make sure they produce results fairly for everyone. The Code of Ethics could be interpreted slightly different to different states however the main principle is all the same. An ethical code by definition supplies a dilemma at times. Ethics is about personal views and personal opinions as everyone interprets meanings and definitions differently. The ethical co de should be there to give guidelines to someone who is new to the system. The interesting factor was that the ethical code was not seen to be standard and that the code varied from state to state. However the following declaration "The American correctional Association expects of its members unfailing honesty, respect for the dignity and individuality of human beings and a commitment to professional and compassionate

(Argument of Definition)Japan is a western country Essay - 1

(Argument of Definition)Japan is a western country - Essay Example In medicine, research mainly involves interactions with living things such as human subjects and therefore there is great need to have knowledge of ethical issues in medical research. This ensures that study subjects are treated well and that no harm begets them in the course of a study. When dealing with human subjects, researchers should make sure that risk levels are minimal to prevent any harm. Human subjects, should be handled like normal human beings and not just like mere study subjects. In a bid to reduce risk levels, federal laws have clauses protecting human subjects for the federal funded projects. The clauses insist that risk levels should be equivalent to results expected (Brown, Anderson, Chervin, Kushida, Lewin, Malow, Redline, and Goldman, 2011, p.1). This implies that study subjects should not be exposed to extremely high risks for research projects that only have little significance. In a bid to prevent harm to human subjects, use of placebos is allowed under special conditions. Use of placebos should not be used for all studies but only to the studies that have no proven alternative study approach. However, in some cases the risk levels may pose a challenge to determine and are therefore not known. This implies that there is no certainty of the risks involved for that particular study. In such a scenario use of placebos may be recommended in order to reduce harm chances. However, this does not mean that placebos are always the chosen option in all such cases. Other methods such as use of continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) in disease processes associated with Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) may be preferred depending on the nature of the study. Nevertheless, this methods are followed by strict instructions that involve keeping human subjects from participating in all activities that pose risks. For example, under CPAP, human subjects at high risks of car crashes due to sleepiness may be advised not to drive when feeling even

Monday, November 18, 2019

Bussiness memo Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Bussiness memo - Assignment Example In spite of the fact that the essentials of satellite correspondences are reasonably clear, there is a colossal financing needed in building the satellite and propelling it into space (Verma et al ). All things considered numerous correspondences satellites exist in circle around the globe and they are generally utilized for an assortment of requisitions from giving satellite telecommunications connections to guide television and the utilization of satellite telephone and singular satellite correspondence joins. However, satellite correspondences frameworks give huge levels of adaptability and versatility give the open doors to numerous satellite interchanges frameworks (Macy et al ). In spite of the fact that the beginning base expenses are high, frequently new remote stations could be included moderately economically as new lines dont have to be introduced to give correspondence to the new remote station, not at all like wire based telecommunications frameworks or numerous physical remote connections were repeater stations may be required. Here the satellite empowers correspondences to be created over substantial separations - well past the viewable pathway. Correspondences satellites may be utilized for some requisitions including transferring phone calls, giving interchanges to remote territories of the Earth, giving satellite interchanges to ships, flying machine and other portable vehicles, and there are a lot of people more courses in which interchanges satellites could be utilized (Helfers 415). Verma, Ajeet Singh, et al. "Measurement of reliability and availability of satellite communication links: Progress and challenges."Â  Intelligent Systems and Signal Processing (ISSP), 2013 International Conference on. IEEE,

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Research Indicates Essay Example for Free

Research Indicates Essay Research indicates that the characteristics we are born with have much more influence on our personality and development than any experiences we may have in our life. Every people in our life born with some parametrics, like health, mental power and another ones. Some people think that the initial characteristics influence on our development and personality. I agree with it, but I think that any experience in our life have more impact too. Let us consider it. First of all, people learn anything during whole life. When people born they learn how to eat, how to move, how to read, write and another. All of these depend on our life experience, not on our characteristics. Secondly, each time when we make mistake, we try to analyze why it happened and how to prevent mistakes like this. We are developing according our mistakes. Also, parents have greatest influence on their children personality as from the early ages they teach children every aspects of life. Parents explain to their children what is right, what is wrong. According to this, children develop their positive or negative worldview. Also person who has good characteristics will study, work hard and develop his experience it will influence his development in life. In conclusion, I believe that the life experience has a great influence on our character and the man is never too old to learn. Is your memory changing with age? People who believe they have a poor memory are usually no worse at remembering than whose who believe they have a good memory. One theory for this is that people are influenced by their general beliefs about how memory changes with age. If you believe your memory will get worse as you grow older, you will pay more attention to memory failures and each bout of forgetfulness will reinforce your belief that your memory is getting worse. Common everyday memory failures tend to be judged more harshly when these failures belong to an older person. A large scale study over a ten year period found that cognitive decline is not a normal part of aging for most elderly people. 70% of the adults in the study showed no decline in memory. What has been found is that there are factors that may affect memory in older adults. These are high blood pressure, obesity and smoking. Is your memory changing with age?

Friday, November 15, 2019

Investor Attitudes Towards Risk on Stock Market

Investor Attitudes Towards Risk on Stock Market For the abnormal return in stock market, investor attitudes will become increasingly important. This paper attempts to analyze the impact of investor attitude towards risk that have a greater influence on stock market .In this study researcher focused on particular Islamabad stock market and obtain primary data based on five point Likert scale from investor of ISE. The data indicate that investors have substantially different attitudes toward various investments. However, there are significant statistical differences between attitudes of the investor groups in their attitudes toward three risk types. These data also show significant differences in attitudes toward risk. After analyzing the data through the Regression and Correlation, including ANOVA test, the result found the significance impact of variables on stock market. Introduction The whole financial theory is based on the basic hypothesis of rational investor on the financial markets. This rationality is characterized by a continuous quest of the investors to maximize their utility function (actually maximizing the return of the investment for a given risk level or minimizing the risk for an expected return level). In spite their rationality; investors have a different perception over risk, its bearing having an important psychological factor. Most investors show different attitude towards risk like motivated risk aversion, but we can find on the financial markets. While risk behavior has been studied intensely and a large number of risk perception. Through attention to risk perception and risk propensity which are mediators in attitude transaction, financial institutions can realize the effects on investor behavior and their returns expectations. The first section of this paper is the introduction, the second section is the literature review, the third secti on establishes hypothesis model, the fourth section presents the study results and the fifth section is the conclusion and recommendations.Different Studies are available; far less research exists regarding peoples mind-sets towards risk taking, i.e., risk attitudes, such as, risk aversion, risk tolerance and risk neutral. These can be conceptualized as two poles of a one-dimensional attitude towards risk-taking but also as two separate concepts. It is widely assumed that people differ considerably in their attitude towards risks, ranging from good sense to risk-seeking and even pleasure in risk-taking. The first trial of conceptualizing the investors risk aversion belongs to Milton Friedman and Leonard Savage (Milton Friedman, Leonard Savage Utility Analysis of Choices Involving Risk, JPE, 1948) who defined the risk aversion by using the following decisional situation: an investor who can chose among comparable investments will always chose the one with the lowest risk. Explaining the investment behavior using the returns of risky financial investments utility function brought a new perspective to the risk aversion theory. Further studies showed that there are also other factors with direct impact over the attitude towards risk (economic growth forecasts of a market, the level of training and the experience gained, fluctuations of the exchange market, psychological factors, biases and heuristics etc.). This paper follows studies conducted with investors to examine investor attitudes and behavior towards inherent risk and potential returns in stock market. Statement of the Problem The problem statement of research was à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“Impact of Investor Attitude towards Risk on Stock Marketà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬?. Major variables used in this study include stock market return volatility and risk attitude i.e risk tolerance, risk aversive, risk neutral variables that are the indicators of investor attitude. Objective: the objectives of research are:- To study how these attitude types are affecting the stock market. To find whether there is any relationship between stock market index and investor behavior. Significance of the Study The market return fluctuate according to events and trends , the human mind also have some psychological factor that can be influenced or might directs towards good or bad decision making regarding investment. From this study individual investor can get knowledge how their behavior that can maximize or minimize their utility in investment plan in market portfolio. They can change their behavior accordingly. Every Kind of individual like small investor including Man, Women with different status i.e. single or Martial with different age can change their mind set and able to understand how they should make decision to see the market trends or events. Review of Literature There is lot work has been done so far in this regard. Now we have overview some of researcher works in this section of the paper as review literature. With the reference of research topic, some of studies are being done in which all the variables includes Risk attitude factors i.e; Risk Aversion, Risk Tolerance, Risk are taken into consideration to define the impact of those variables on stock market. Levin, Synder and chapman (1975) were concerned with the differences between men and women in accepting the risks of financial investments, they focused on a group of 110 students using a questionnaire regarding lotteries to check the more risk aversive according to gender differentiation. the results indicating that women are more risk aversive than men Powell and Ansic (1997) questioned a small group regarding property insurance and the exchange market and again found that women are more aversive than men (this study was among the first which analyzed individual aversion towards speculative and pure risks); using information regarding the weight of the funds invested in risky assets. Jaimie Sung and Hannna (1996) analyzed the risk tolerance corresponding to four ethnic groups: Caucasian, Hispanic, Black and others. Given the substantial differences among risk tolerance capacities of these groups (the Caucasians have the highest risk tolerance and the Blacks the lowest) we may assert that this factor has a direct impact on the way investors accept and perceive the risk attached to financial investments. Education also has a direct influence on risk tolerance, as several studies prove a direct link between higher education and the acceptance of higher risk related to investments. The analysis was conducted on four education levels: primary school, high school, college and postgraduate studies. The results demonstrate an intense and direct impact on accepting financial risk: the higher the subjects education, the higher his tolerance to risk. Sitkin and Pablo (1992) developed a model of determinants of risk behavior. In this model, personal risk preferences and past experiences form an important risk factor in which to frame the problem, and social influence also affects the individuals perception. Sitkin and Weingart (1995) extend the Sitkin-Pablo model leading to the definition that risk perception and propensity are the mediators in risk behaviors of uncertainty decision-making. Shyan-Rong Chou, Gow-Liang Huang, Hui-Lin Hsu (2010) has done research on à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“Investor Attitudes and Behavior towards Inherent Risk and Potential Returns in Financial Productsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬?. They establish a model by which to measure attitudes and behavior towards investment risk.They used variables: Risk propensity, Risk perception, Behavior finance, Decision making. They study to form a framework (framing) for interpretation of their respective populations attitudes and behaviors. Empirical results found no difference by gender to investor propensity to take risk, nor in cognitive perception of such. However, higher and lower perceptions of risk were indicated by investors according to their personal investment experience. Investors with little experience in stocks and structured notes were found to have significantly sensitive perception of risk. Thus the model proposed is relevant in finding a positive correlation between experience and propensity of risk, though the un derstanding of such remains uncertain. In respect to financial products other than mutual funds, investor propensity and perception of risk tend to show a negative correlation. Amos Tversky; Daniel Kahneman (1974) defines in their research à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“Judgment under Uncertainty: Heuristics and Biasesà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬? that Heuristics that are important feature of the individual decision-making process which may be considered to include thought representativeness and availability. They founded that there is anchoring bias in the decision-making process which arises due to factors such as overconfidence, loss aversion, status quo bias, mental accounting, framing and so on. Investors in the process of assessing the risks and returns are influenced by this anchor effect. All these studies proved the complexity of risk aversion and its subjective dimension, as the estimates are difficult to obtain accurately. Investors have ultimately a unique behavior which results in un balanced price, no matter how adverse they are to risk. Understanding risk aversion offers another perspective for constructing and optimizing risky financial portfolios. Theoretical Frame work Our theoretical frame work is as under: (Independent Variables) Risk Aversion Risk Tolerance Risk Neutral (Dependent Variable) Stock Market Explanation The possibility of physical or social or financial harm /detriment / loss due to a exposure. This is the (dominating) negative perspective; however, there is also a neutral perspective, i.e., risk = uncertainty about the outcomes (good and/or bad ones) of a decision; and a positive perspective. A persons opinion belief about how large the risk associated with a hazard is (regarding negative outcomes) A general perspective of humans mind towards taking or avoiding a risk when deciding how to proceed in situations with uncertain outcomes. Risk Attitude towards taking risks or avoiding risk are; i.e, Risk aversion, Risk Tolerance, Risk Neutral. So, all decisions about how acceptable a risk is in individual or societal terms deepened on market events or trends. The actual behavior of people when facing a risk situation, each investor has unique personal risk tendencies, investment style, and level of risk awareness. These characteristics, in addition to the expectation of returns, help investment decision making and portfolio construction. According to traditional finances capital asset pricing model, due to investor risk aversion, rational investors understand that increased investment risk demands return with a higher premium. Diagrammatical Expression of Variable:  [1]   Purpose of the study (Hypothesis Testing) Hypothesis testing offers an enhanced understanding of the relationship that exists among variables. It could also established casual and effect relationship. The research à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“Impact of Investor attitude towards risk on Stock Marketà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬?, includes there are certain variables upon which the growth of Stock Market depends; these are interest rate, Risk Aversion, Risk Tolerance, Risk Neutral ,Uncertainty. Research is being carried out to analyze the nature of the relationship between all these variables. Hypothesis Risk Tolerance Investor: Investors who tend towards higher risk are more adventurous and so are willing to attempt high-risk, high reward investments. H1: Investor who has a higher tolerance to risk that have significant impact on stock market volatility H2: Investor who has a higher tolerance to risk that have no significant impact on stock market volatility Risk Aversive Investor: People who tend towards lower risk behavior are less willing to engage in risky adventurous behavior due to their low risk tolerance. That is, this kind of investor has a high degree of risk perception in financial products. H3: Investor who are risk aversive has significant impact on stock market volatility H4: Investor who are risk aversive has no significant impact on stock market volatility Risk Neutral Investor: Someone is completely indifferent to the risk involved an investment and is only concerned about expected return. H5: Investor who are risk neutral has significant impact on stock market volatility H6: Investor who are risk neutral has no significant impact on stock market volatility Methodology: (Sample Data Collection) Sample is taken from Islamabad stock exchange and data collection is based on primary data using questionnaire consist of five likert scale including Strongly Agree, Agree, No Strong Opinion, Disagree, Strongly Disagree to analyze the dependent and nondependent variables. The questionnaire sample obtained from the valid source à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“The Scottish Life Risk Attitude Profiling Questionnaire is based on the Byrne Blake Risk Profile Questionnaireà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬?  [2]  . The Respondents which have obtained during the research work are 30 that included 20 brokers, 10 small investors i.e Man, Woman having different qualification, age and income groups. To analyze the data being a researcher we used Regression and correlation in SPSS to see the impact and relationship between variables. Data Analysis and Discussion The results drawn from statistical analysis is based on regression analysis. As the independent variable is comprised of three facets i.e, risk aversion, risk taking and risk neutral so several hierarchical regression analyses are performed to formally check the hypothesis. Separate regression analyses are run for analyzing independent-dependent relationship. Regression has been used in order to measure that how much variation in dependent variables has been caused by independent variable. The results are as follows: Risk Aversion (a) Model Summary Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Std. Error of the Estimate 1 .467(a) .218 .048 .48900 Interpretation Table illustrate that value of R Square is 0.218 which is equal to 21.8 %. This means that independent variable i.e. risk aversion is accounting for 21.8 % of variation in the dependent variable i.e stock market. (b) ANOVA Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F 1 Regression 1.535 5 .307 1.284 Residual 5.500 23 .239 Total 7.034 28 a. Predictors: (Constant), risk aversion b. Dependent Variable: Stock market Interpretation F ( 1. 101) = 1.284 ; P Since the value of P is less than 0.01, so we can say that the overall effect of this independent variable is highly significant. RISK Tolerance (a) Model Summary Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Std. Error of the Estimate 1 .442(a) .195 -.025 .50735 Predictors: (Constant), risk tolerance Interpretation Table illustrate that value of R Square is 0.195 which is equal to 19.5 %. This means that independent variable i.e. risk tolerance is accounting for 19.5 % of variation in the dependent variable i.e. stock market. (b) ANOVA Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F 1 Regression 1.372 6 .229 .888 Residual 5.663 22 .257 Total 7.034 28 a. Predictors: (Constant), risk tolerance b. Dependent Variable: Stock market Interpretation F ( 1. 101) = 0.888 ; P Since the value of P is less than 0.01, so we can say that the overall effect of this independent variable is highly significant. Risk Neutral (a) Model Summary Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Std. Error of the Estimate 1 .687(a) .472 -.056 .51517 Predictors: (Constant), risk tolerance Interpretation Table illustrate that value of R Square is 0.472 which is equal to 47.2 %. This means that independent variable i.e. risk neutral is accounting for 19.5 % of variation in the dependent variable i.e. stock market. (b) ANOVA Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F 1 Regression 3.319 14 .237 .893 Residual 3.716 14 .265 Total 7.034 28 Predictors: (Constant), risk neutral Dependent Variable: Stock market Interpretation F (1. 101) = 0.893; P CONCLUSION This study uses the questionnaire approach to test the risk attitudes and returns expectations of investors of particular Islamabad stock exchange. There are different trends and economic crisis that rapidly changed the attitude of investors of male and female. Variance analysis also found that less experienced investors have lower risk propensity and higher risk perception. However, considering individual attitude and perception about returns of stock market either influenced positively or negatively that assessed during research questionnaire. In the test model, investor experience and their risk propensity is in positive correlation. So, the conclusion of this study is consistent with recent literature, however the relationship between risk attitude and expected returns has not yet been determined as successful and strong empirical result. RECOMMENDATIONS Researcher recommended the followings ways to gain higher return from their investing attitude. Compare current stock value with historical results of securities or bonds markets. If you are risk aversive and need higher income during shorter period of time and at low risk, you will need to find other financial instruments.   As we know that, there is direct correlation between risk and income. The higher is income, the higher is risk so investor should ensure about their instruments worth in which he/she going to invest such can be divided as follows: bank savings, bonds and shares.   Another issue is that somehow media reports negatively about stock market return so, investor rapidly change their mind set as the framing heuristic applied without thinking the validity of information. So investor should protect his or her investments. Having purchased securities, keep monitoring securities market periodically. Other Recommendations are that Do not spread the whole money in the market and prefer to invest in only those companies that pay a dividend and that have a history of raising their dividend every year. Investor should forget making a profit; instead focus on the income provided from the stock portfolio and make every stock purchase with the intent that the purchase will be a long-term investment. Develop a savings plan to add to your holdings each quarter to help dividend reinvestments to accumulate more shares on a cost averaging basis. REFERENCES Amos Tversky; Daniel Kahneman Science, New Series, Vol. 185, No. 4157. (Sep. 27, 1974), pp. 1124-1131. Jaimie Sung, Sherman Hanna, Factors related to risk tolerance, Financial Counseling and Planning, Vol. 7,1996, pag. 14). Levin Irwin P., Mary A. Snyder and Daniel P. Chapman (1975), The Interaction of Experiential and Situational Factors and Gender in a Simulated Risky Decision-Making Task, Journal of Psychology, 1988, 122(2),pp. 173-181) Powell Melanie, and David Ansic (1997), Gender Differences in Risk Behaviour in Financial Decision-Making: An Experimental Analysis, Journal of Economic Psychology, 18(6), 1998, pp. 605-628. Risk Attitude Profiling questionnaire Source: Sitkin and Pablo (1992) Review of management Review-1992.vol 17, No.1, p-38). Shyan-Rong Chou, Gow-Liang Huang, Hui-Lin Hsu (2010) International Research Journal of Finance and Economics ISSN 1450-2887 Issue 44 (2010)  © Euro Journals Publishing, Inc. 2010. Investor Attitudes Towards Risk on Stock Market Investor Attitudes Towards Risk on Stock Market For the abnormal return in stock market, investor attitudes will become increasingly important. This paper attempts to analyze the impact of investor attitude towards risk that have a greater influence on stock market .In this study researcher focused on particular Islamabad stock market and obtain primary data based on five point Likert scale from investor of ISE. The data indicate that investors have substantially different attitudes toward various investments. However, there are significant statistical differences between attitudes of the investor groups in their attitudes toward three risk types. These data also show significant differences in attitudes toward risk. After analyzing the data through the Regression and Correlation, including ANOVA test, the result found the significance impact of variables on stock market. Introduction The whole financial theory is based on the basic hypothesis of rational investor on the financial markets. This rationality is characterized by a continuous quest of the investors to maximize their utility function (actually maximizing the return of the investment for a given risk level or minimizing the risk for an expected return level). In spite their rationality; investors have a different perception over risk, its bearing having an important psychological factor. Most investors show different attitude towards risk like motivated risk aversion, but we can find on the financial markets. While risk behavior has been studied intensely and a large number of risk perception. Through attention to risk perception and risk propensity which are mediators in attitude transaction, financial institutions can realize the effects on investor behavior and their returns expectations. The first section of this paper is the introduction, the second section is the literature review, the third secti on establishes hypothesis model, the fourth section presents the study results and the fifth section is the conclusion and recommendations.Different Studies are available; far less research exists regarding peoples mind-sets towards risk taking, i.e., risk attitudes, such as, risk aversion, risk tolerance and risk neutral. These can be conceptualized as two poles of a one-dimensional attitude towards risk-taking but also as two separate concepts. It is widely assumed that people differ considerably in their attitude towards risks, ranging from good sense to risk-seeking and even pleasure in risk-taking. The first trial of conceptualizing the investors risk aversion belongs to Milton Friedman and Leonard Savage (Milton Friedman, Leonard Savage Utility Analysis of Choices Involving Risk, JPE, 1948) who defined the risk aversion by using the following decisional situation: an investor who can chose among comparable investments will always chose the one with the lowest risk. Explaining the investment behavior using the returns of risky financial investments utility function brought a new perspective to the risk aversion theory. Further studies showed that there are also other factors with direct impact over the attitude towards risk (economic growth forecasts of a market, the level of training and the experience gained, fluctuations of the exchange market, psychological factors, biases and heuristics etc.). This paper follows studies conducted with investors to examine investor attitudes and behavior towards inherent risk and potential returns in stock market. Statement of the Problem The problem statement of research was à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“Impact of Investor Attitude towards Risk on Stock Marketà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬?. Major variables used in this study include stock market return volatility and risk attitude i.e risk tolerance, risk aversive, risk neutral variables that are the indicators of investor attitude. Objective: the objectives of research are:- To study how these attitude types are affecting the stock market. To find whether there is any relationship between stock market index and investor behavior. Significance of the Study The market return fluctuate according to events and trends , the human mind also have some psychological factor that can be influenced or might directs towards good or bad decision making regarding investment. From this study individual investor can get knowledge how their behavior that can maximize or minimize their utility in investment plan in market portfolio. They can change their behavior accordingly. Every Kind of individual like small investor including Man, Women with different status i.e. single or Martial with different age can change their mind set and able to understand how they should make decision to see the market trends or events. Review of Literature There is lot work has been done so far in this regard. Now we have overview some of researcher works in this section of the paper as review literature. With the reference of research topic, some of studies are being done in which all the variables includes Risk attitude factors i.e; Risk Aversion, Risk Tolerance, Risk are taken into consideration to define the impact of those variables on stock market. Levin, Synder and chapman (1975) were concerned with the differences between men and women in accepting the risks of financial investments, they focused on a group of 110 students using a questionnaire regarding lotteries to check the more risk aversive according to gender differentiation. the results indicating that women are more risk aversive than men Powell and Ansic (1997) questioned a small group regarding property insurance and the exchange market and again found that women are more aversive than men (this study was among the first which analyzed individual aversion towards speculative and pure risks); using information regarding the weight of the funds invested in risky assets. Jaimie Sung and Hannna (1996) analyzed the risk tolerance corresponding to four ethnic groups: Caucasian, Hispanic, Black and others. Given the substantial differences among risk tolerance capacities of these groups (the Caucasians have the highest risk tolerance and the Blacks the lowest) we may assert that this factor has a direct impact on the way investors accept and perceive the risk attached to financial investments. Education also has a direct influence on risk tolerance, as several studies prove a direct link between higher education and the acceptance of higher risk related to investments. The analysis was conducted on four education levels: primary school, high school, college and postgraduate studies. The results demonstrate an intense and direct impact on accepting financial risk: the higher the subjects education, the higher his tolerance to risk. Sitkin and Pablo (1992) developed a model of determinants of risk behavior. In this model, personal risk preferences and past experiences form an important risk factor in which to frame the problem, and social influence also affects the individuals perception. Sitkin and Weingart (1995) extend the Sitkin-Pablo model leading to the definition that risk perception and propensity are the mediators in risk behaviors of uncertainty decision-making. Shyan-Rong Chou, Gow-Liang Huang, Hui-Lin Hsu (2010) has done research on à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“Investor Attitudes and Behavior towards Inherent Risk and Potential Returns in Financial Productsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬?. They establish a model by which to measure attitudes and behavior towards investment risk.They used variables: Risk propensity, Risk perception, Behavior finance, Decision making. They study to form a framework (framing) for interpretation of their respective populations attitudes and behaviors. Empirical results found no difference by gender to investor propensity to take risk, nor in cognitive perception of such. However, higher and lower perceptions of risk were indicated by investors according to their personal investment experience. Investors with little experience in stocks and structured notes were found to have significantly sensitive perception of risk. Thus the model proposed is relevant in finding a positive correlation between experience and propensity of risk, though the un derstanding of such remains uncertain. In respect to financial products other than mutual funds, investor propensity and perception of risk tend to show a negative correlation. Amos Tversky; Daniel Kahneman (1974) defines in their research à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“Judgment under Uncertainty: Heuristics and Biasesà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬? that Heuristics that are important feature of the individual decision-making process which may be considered to include thought representativeness and availability. They founded that there is anchoring bias in the decision-making process which arises due to factors such as overconfidence, loss aversion, status quo bias, mental accounting, framing and so on. Investors in the process of assessing the risks and returns are influenced by this anchor effect. All these studies proved the complexity of risk aversion and its subjective dimension, as the estimates are difficult to obtain accurately. Investors have ultimately a unique behavior which results in un balanced price, no matter how adverse they are to risk. Understanding risk aversion offers another perspective for constructing and optimizing risky financial portfolios. Theoretical Frame work Our theoretical frame work is as under: (Independent Variables) Risk Aversion Risk Tolerance Risk Neutral (Dependent Variable) Stock Market Explanation The possibility of physical or social or financial harm /detriment / loss due to a exposure. This is the (dominating) negative perspective; however, there is also a neutral perspective, i.e., risk = uncertainty about the outcomes (good and/or bad ones) of a decision; and a positive perspective. A persons opinion belief about how large the risk associated with a hazard is (regarding negative outcomes) A general perspective of humans mind towards taking or avoiding a risk when deciding how to proceed in situations with uncertain outcomes. Risk Attitude towards taking risks or avoiding risk are; i.e, Risk aversion, Risk Tolerance, Risk Neutral. So, all decisions about how acceptable a risk is in individual or societal terms deepened on market events or trends. The actual behavior of people when facing a risk situation, each investor has unique personal risk tendencies, investment style, and level of risk awareness. These characteristics, in addition to the expectation of returns, help investment decision making and portfolio construction. According to traditional finances capital asset pricing model, due to investor risk aversion, rational investors understand that increased investment risk demands return with a higher premium. Diagrammatical Expression of Variable:  [1]   Purpose of the study (Hypothesis Testing) Hypothesis testing offers an enhanced understanding of the relationship that exists among variables. It could also established casual and effect relationship. The research à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“Impact of Investor attitude towards risk on Stock Marketà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬?, includes there are certain variables upon which the growth of Stock Market depends; these are interest rate, Risk Aversion, Risk Tolerance, Risk Neutral ,Uncertainty. Research is being carried out to analyze the nature of the relationship between all these variables. Hypothesis Risk Tolerance Investor: Investors who tend towards higher risk are more adventurous and so are willing to attempt high-risk, high reward investments. H1: Investor who has a higher tolerance to risk that have significant impact on stock market volatility H2: Investor who has a higher tolerance to risk that have no significant impact on stock market volatility Risk Aversive Investor: People who tend towards lower risk behavior are less willing to engage in risky adventurous behavior due to their low risk tolerance. That is, this kind of investor has a high degree of risk perception in financial products. H3: Investor who are risk aversive has significant impact on stock market volatility H4: Investor who are risk aversive has no significant impact on stock market volatility Risk Neutral Investor: Someone is completely indifferent to the risk involved an investment and is only concerned about expected return. H5: Investor who are risk neutral has significant impact on stock market volatility H6: Investor who are risk neutral has no significant impact on stock market volatility Methodology: (Sample Data Collection) Sample is taken from Islamabad stock exchange and data collection is based on primary data using questionnaire consist of five likert scale including Strongly Agree, Agree, No Strong Opinion, Disagree, Strongly Disagree to analyze the dependent and nondependent variables. The questionnaire sample obtained from the valid source à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“The Scottish Life Risk Attitude Profiling Questionnaire is based on the Byrne Blake Risk Profile Questionnaireà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬?  [2]  . The Respondents which have obtained during the research work are 30 that included 20 brokers, 10 small investors i.e Man, Woman having different qualification, age and income groups. To analyze the data being a researcher we used Regression and correlation in SPSS to see the impact and relationship between variables. Data Analysis and Discussion The results drawn from statistical analysis is based on regression analysis. As the independent variable is comprised of three facets i.e, risk aversion, risk taking and risk neutral so several hierarchical regression analyses are performed to formally check the hypothesis. Separate regression analyses are run for analyzing independent-dependent relationship. Regression has been used in order to measure that how much variation in dependent variables has been caused by independent variable. The results are as follows: Risk Aversion (a) Model Summary Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Std. Error of the Estimate 1 .467(a) .218 .048 .48900 Interpretation Table illustrate that value of R Square is 0.218 which is equal to 21.8 %. This means that independent variable i.e. risk aversion is accounting for 21.8 % of variation in the dependent variable i.e stock market. (b) ANOVA Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F 1 Regression 1.535 5 .307 1.284 Residual 5.500 23 .239 Total 7.034 28 a. Predictors: (Constant), risk aversion b. Dependent Variable: Stock market Interpretation F ( 1. 101) = 1.284 ; P Since the value of P is less than 0.01, so we can say that the overall effect of this independent variable is highly significant. RISK Tolerance (a) Model Summary Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Std. Error of the Estimate 1 .442(a) .195 -.025 .50735 Predictors: (Constant), risk tolerance Interpretation Table illustrate that value of R Square is 0.195 which is equal to 19.5 %. This means that independent variable i.e. risk tolerance is accounting for 19.5 % of variation in the dependent variable i.e. stock market. (b) ANOVA Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F 1 Regression 1.372 6 .229 .888 Residual 5.663 22 .257 Total 7.034 28 a. Predictors: (Constant), risk tolerance b. Dependent Variable: Stock market Interpretation F ( 1. 101) = 0.888 ; P Since the value of P is less than 0.01, so we can say that the overall effect of this independent variable is highly significant. Risk Neutral (a) Model Summary Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Std. Error of the Estimate 1 .687(a) .472 -.056 .51517 Predictors: (Constant), risk tolerance Interpretation Table illustrate that value of R Square is 0.472 which is equal to 47.2 %. This means that independent variable i.e. risk neutral is accounting for 19.5 % of variation in the dependent variable i.e. stock market. (b) ANOVA Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F 1 Regression 3.319 14 .237 .893 Residual 3.716 14 .265 Total 7.034 28 Predictors: (Constant), risk neutral Dependent Variable: Stock market Interpretation F (1. 101) = 0.893; P CONCLUSION This study uses the questionnaire approach to test the risk attitudes and returns expectations of investors of particular Islamabad stock exchange. There are different trends and economic crisis that rapidly changed the attitude of investors of male and female. Variance analysis also found that less experienced investors have lower risk propensity and higher risk perception. However, considering individual attitude and perception about returns of stock market either influenced positively or negatively that assessed during research questionnaire. In the test model, investor experience and their risk propensity is in positive correlation. So, the conclusion of this study is consistent with recent literature, however the relationship between risk attitude and expected returns has not yet been determined as successful and strong empirical result. RECOMMENDATIONS Researcher recommended the followings ways to gain higher return from their investing attitude. Compare current stock value with historical results of securities or bonds markets. If you are risk aversive and need higher income during shorter period of time and at low risk, you will need to find other financial instruments.   As we know that, there is direct correlation between risk and income. The higher is income, the higher is risk so investor should ensure about their instruments worth in which he/she going to invest such can be divided as follows: bank savings, bonds and shares.   Another issue is that somehow media reports negatively about stock market return so, investor rapidly change their mind set as the framing heuristic applied without thinking the validity of information. So investor should protect his or her investments. Having purchased securities, keep monitoring securities market periodically. Other Recommendations are that Do not spread the whole money in the market and prefer to invest in only those companies that pay a dividend and that have a history of raising their dividend every year. Investor should forget making a profit; instead focus on the income provided from the stock portfolio and make every stock purchase with the intent that the purchase will be a long-term investment. Develop a savings plan to add to your holdings each quarter to help dividend reinvestments to accumulate more shares on a cost averaging basis. REFERENCES Amos Tversky; Daniel Kahneman Science, New Series, Vol. 185, No. 4157. (Sep. 27, 1974), pp. 1124-1131. Jaimie Sung, Sherman Hanna, Factors related to risk tolerance, Financial Counseling and Planning, Vol. 7,1996, pag. 14). Levin Irwin P., Mary A. Snyder and Daniel P. Chapman (1975), The Interaction of Experiential and Situational Factors and Gender in a Simulated Risky Decision-Making Task, Journal of Psychology, 1988, 122(2),pp. 173-181) Powell Melanie, and David Ansic (1997), Gender Differences in Risk Behaviour in Financial Decision-Making: An Experimental Analysis, Journal of Economic Psychology, 18(6), 1998, pp. 605-628. Risk Attitude Profiling questionnaire Source: Sitkin and Pablo (1992) Review of management Review-1992.vol 17, No.1, p-38). Shyan-Rong Chou, Gow-Liang Huang, Hui-Lin Hsu (2010) International Research Journal of Finance and Economics ISSN 1450-2887 Issue 44 (2010)  © Euro Journals Publishing, Inc. 2010.

Akira Kurosawas RAN :: essays papers

Akira Kurosawa's RAN In this explication of this movie RAN several items will be discussed. Culturally the movie will be critiqued on how the Japanese culture is shown throughout the movie, and the structure of how the characters progress throughout the movie. The conflict between characters will also be discussed in reference to the obstacles they face and how they deal with them. This movie deals mainly with loyalty and tradition (bushido), and how a traditional Japanese family handles not only their personal problems, but also relating to their society and surroundings. The main character or focal point of the movie is Lord Hidetora Ichimonji. He has bequeathed his is kingdom and his three castles to his three sons: Taro (eldest), Jiro, and Saburo (youngest). With his bequeath he has also given up his authority in society as well as militarily to Taro. With this announcement, Taro and Jiro show great hesitation in this yet Subaro shows defiance claiming this is a foolish mistake. Because of these comments Saburo is banished. This is a good example of loyalty to elders and creates an immediate conflict among family. Kurosowa attempts to show how important loyalty can be in the face of change, and even though Subaro does not agree, having a bit of faith in elders reflects also the loyalty that this culture believes. With retirement at hand, Lord Ichimonji goes to the first castle to visit Taro. Taro shows great disloyalty to his father. Taro has had a rush of power and is now dishonoring his father with contracts to sign and so on. Within this culture, dishonoring one’s father is very humiliating, and, with no power, Hidetora leaves to the second castle to find refuge with Jiro. This conflict with Taro represents shibui in the fact that even though Taro has all this power and greatness, he has loss the love of his father all because he felt threatened by him because of his fathers respect through the land. As Hidetora makes way to seek shelter with Jiro, he finds out that Taro sent orders to Jiro to not help his father in any way and to not allow Hidetora’s men to enter the castle. Even though Jiro is crushed, he follows these orders and dishonors his father. This is the opposite of Bushido because the father has been banished by family and family is a strong bushido trait.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Free Essays: Candides Metamorphosis :: Candide essays

Candide's Metamorphosis In Voltaire's novella, we view the main character, Candide, as being sophomoric and rather naïve. Yet, Candide eventually frees himself from the shackles that burden his beloved philosopher Pangloss and other characters befriended along the way. Candide's journey back to Cunegonde become a means for him to emerge from his "self-imposed immaturity." The word "candide," which Cassell's French Dictionary defines as "ingenuous", would greatly summarize who the main character is to be perceived as. He will shape his own opinions throughout the story to parallel anybody else's that would seem to please him. His faith is put in a number of people who he meets along his travels, as he tries to find his way back to Cunegonde. He sees things as others would instruct him to see them. And though it can be contested that he is still the same at the end of the book, I will argue that he becomes the most emancipated from his own chains of "self-imposed immaturity" than any of his friends and comrades. The book first starts off with Candide hanging on to every idea put before him by Pangloss. He is held captive by some of the most bizarre forms of reasoning composed by Professor Pangloss. In Chapter 1, Pangloss professes that "our noses were made to carry spectacles, so we have spectacles," and that "since pigs were made to be eaten, we eat pork all the year round." This rationalization is totally bizarre and could not be applied to any reasonable mode of thought (especially the latter, which would be quickly dismissed by Vegans, Vegetarians, Muslims, and Jews!). After Candide is eventually banished from the house of Baron Thunder-ten-tronckh, he is taken in by James (the Anabaptist). After discovering Pangloss in a wretched state, eventually Candide, James, and Pangloss set off to Lisbon. As James drowns, Pangloss stops Candide from saving the Anabaptist by saying that the "Lisbon harbour was made on purpose for this Anabaptist to drown here." These quotes symbolize th e type of thinking found in Voltaire's day. This was the type of thinking that the Enlightenment school of thought was trying to get away from, and the type of nonsense Candide will challenge to some extent at the end and soon break away from.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Mkt 337

Company profile CFL (Core Finland ltd) which was found in 2006 in Finland. It’s a dynamic food marketing company. The present managing director of CFL is Joonas Turkama. The main activates of this company is are importing, marketing and sales of first class products, which have the potential to grow big brands nationally as well as internationally. The mainly focusing on building brands in order to gain a long term success. CoreFinland's main target groups are wholesale, retail trade and HoReCa -sector. They also build international partnerships, especially in Western-Europe and in the Baltic Sea region.In future they plan to expand their business activities particularly towards Russia, Germany and Sweden. The main product of this company is snacks and food product. It provides marketing and sales service both domestic and foreign by its long distribution channel (whole sale, Retail). It also provide some service like hosting, packaging, consulting by retail chain. Product CFL start producing â€Å"VEGE CHIPS† from 2011 under Rye snacks. Now a day in Europe people are more health concusses so that in Europe market people are like to choose healthy food rather than fast food.So that organic foods easily make a big market in Europe . VEGE CHIPS is completely healthy and organic food. It’s not only a snake’s people can use it as a regular food. Fat level in VEGE CHIPS is very low so that middle age people can take it as much as they want. No1: Developing market for â€Å"VEGE CHIPS† Our target market is two different countries Srilanka and Canada. These two countries are different from each other. They are totally different in socially and culturally. So our target market also different for these two countries. Country profile Srilanka: Population 1,481,334 (July 2011 est. ) Age structure 0-14 years:  24. 9% (male 2,705,953/female 2,599,717) 15-64 years:  67. 2% (male 6,993,668/female 7,313,440) 65 years and over:  7. 9% (m ale 720,219/female 950,916) (2011 est. ) Median age Total:  30. 8 years male:  29. 7 years female:  31. 8 years (2011 est. ) Canada: Population 34,300,083 (July 2011 est. ) Age structure 0-14 years:  15. 7% (male 2,736,737/female 2,602,342) 15-64 years:  68. 5% (male 11,776,611/female 11,517,972) 65 years and over:  15. 9% (male 2,372,356/female 3,024,571) (2011 est. ) Median age Total:  41 years male:  39. 8 years female:  42. years (2011 est. ) Customer profile Our target is middle age people who are 18 above. Middle age people are more health concusses and the can make decision as their own. we believe that they will take our chips because its healthy and totally natural. If we can satisfy them they will influence other for chose our product. Srilanka: In srilanka we will target high society area like Colombo because they are more health concuss and they can easily effort healthy food without thinking for price. in their people lead busy life so if they got read y healthy food they can easily take it.We also target sea side area where tourist comes from different country. Canada: In Canada we will target is the whole country. Because they are reach enough and lead busy time. They also more health concusses and educated too. No 2: The Marketing Mix for â€Å"VEGE CHIPS â€Å" Srilanka| Canada| Product: Srilankan people like spicy food like as other Asian country so here we have to apply extra spicy chips with regular one. | Product: In Canada we use our regular healthy chips but we have to make it little bit sweet and salty| Place : We sell it in retail stall and all over the target location. Place: Super shop and large retail stall in super mall or market. | Promotion : Here we use TVC, Billboard commercial also in magazine , health magazine| Promotion : Here u use free tail, billboard, health magazine , bill board in bus train , taxi| Price: Small packet and medium, less amount off chips so that price can be reduce. | Price: Large and go rgeous packing so that we can keep premium price. | Positioning: Less price because middle class people can afford it. | Positioning: High price because people get healthy food and it’s for higher class people. Process: We produce chips in srilanka | Process: We chose a well known distributer in Canada and export chips from Finland. | Physical evidence: Spicy chips with attractive shape of chips but packing will be less costly. | Physical evidence: Attractive packing with high costly and chips color is light. | People: Well dress up sellers and they are directly commutated because here we do direct marketing. | People: For make familiar we give cap, t-shirt to our distributor and give well amount of percentage for big sale. | No 3: Integrated marketing communication for â€Å"VEGE CHIPS: Srilanka| Canada |Step 1: Vege chips is completely new product for srilanka so our vision is gaining the one of best healthy food producer in there. Here we do mass marketing for promoting o ur chips in school, collage. Because in srilanka most of are middle class society people. | Step 1: As a new chip in Canada our vision is reach a respected position by providing healthy snacks in market. We gain it by providing healthy chips at a premium price. | Step 2: As we are new in Srilanka so we heir a add firm for adverting and provides them our survey report on target customers need expectation from snacks.We are new in here it’s a weakness for us but our strength is we are providing healthy and natural foods. For Asian region country here peoples like spicy foods so that we provides some spicy flavors chips. | Step 2: For promotion in Canada all work done by distributer as we choose distribution channel in here for providing our product. So here no need to full attention for determining customer profile. Expensive price is a weakness here but in other hand providing healthy food is our strength. Here chips will salty and little bit sweet. Step 3: Here we do our prom otion by TVC, Billboard, and Health magazine. Our main massage is â€Å" Eat healthy chips at cheaper price â€Å"Our main objective is gain 25 % of the snacks market in a year. | Step 3: Our tag line is â€Å"Eat healthy, Live long â€Å". Here we do free trail, internet pop up , billboard in bus train. Here our object is gain 25 % of snack market in 2-4 year. | Step 4: We make our 40 % capital from Finland and other 60 % from native bank for build our factory in Srilanka. | Step 4: In Canada we import chips from Finland so we have do is send money in transport and tax.So the Budget is cheaper for Canada. | Step 5: By TVC here we do mass marketing for establish our product. Billboard marketing done by ad agency. For middle and higher class people here we have small packet and fewer amounts of chips. We can overcome our profit but less costly packaging. | Step 5: This chips is healthy, natural and unique. Here we chose a distribution channel to supply it in lager retrial store a nd mass marketing. We provide them healthy and natural food so the price is higher in here. We use gorgeous packaging. We provide product from Finland by this it’s easy to gain profit. Step 6: For a good progress we check out our monthly feedback from all kind of stores and retailer. We have to careful for breakeven point and overall sells for understood our current market situation. | Step 6: For Canada we have to careful in monitoring, evaluating and controlling to our distribution channel. We take all kind of information from them for understanding our market situation. | Assignment #1 ( Promotional marketing) Submitted to: Sherina Idrish Subject: MKT 337 Section: â€Å"8† Submitted by: Hossan momahmmed mishu ID: 102 0184 030

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Behavioral Economics Essay

Introduction Behavioral Economics is an extremely important field of psychology; it seeks to expand the current tools that researchers use in economics and finance to introduce new models of human behavior that are adequately founded in psychological research. The Behavior Economics is crucial in business decision making process. The knowledge in Business and Financial Literacy is very important for their direct application to Business and Consulting Psychology. Understanding Financial Management which includes: profit & loss, cash flow, balance sheets, ratios, ROI, working capital, budgeting, financial planning, and corporate finance; and Business Management that includes: business strategy, strategic market management, micro-economic analysis, sustainable competitive advantage, strategic positioning, diversification, acquisitions, mergers, and technology management, will allow the consultant to help businesses increase their profits and improve their company’s culture. Business Management and Strategy Business Strategy is a management plan of action that an organization put in place in order to achieve a particular goal or a set of goals and objectives, this strategy can help the organization differentiate itself from its competitors. In order for a company to differentiate itself from their competitors, they need to successfully implement a strategy that will determine the market that the business will compete, the investment needed, the strategies required to compete in that specific market and the strategic resources or competencies that underline the strategy by providing a important sustainable competitive advantage (SCA) (Aaker, 2001). Budgeting and Financial Planning There are many vital managerial tools that assist in managing a successful business. Budgeting is the most common and widely used tool for planning and control; it is essentially a guideline that focuses on spending, it can breaks down all the business’ expenses in different categories, per example, utilities, payroll, taxes, materials, equipment, etc, also all the income that the business expect to receive in a certain period of time, this period of time is usually yearly, monthly or sometimes weekly. Once the manager has all the estimated income and expenses for that period of time, the budget will start to take shape. The budget goal is to subtract all the expected expenses from the expected income for the same period and still have a positive cash balance. A budget should not be a rigid and fixed tool from which you may never deviate (Wood, 2012). The Financial Planning focuses on allocating resources efficiently, specifically achieving long range goals. In summary, while the budget focuses on the daily functioning of the organization, the future depends greatly on the financial planning which in turn relies on budgeting in order to be effective. Corporate Finance The Corporate Finance addresses how organizations face their financial obligation, to intelligently invest their resources, achieve the correct combination of financing to fund their investments and return a profit to the investors; hence achieving value maximization. When a company invests in a project or multiple projects, this project will generate expenses and will create revenue for the company, but what is a project? Project is any activity that generates a series of cash flows for the organization. The company uses the revenue in excess of expenses to fund new projects, improve existing projects or pay its investors (Spiegel, 2000). Per example, applying a low-cost strategy, businesses can remove all frills and extras from its products and services (Aaker, 2001), making the organization more competitive and profitable. Financial ratios The Financial Ratios are practical indicators of a company’s financial and performance situation. The most important indicator of a business performance is profits. Profits provide the basis for the internally or externally generated capital that the organization needs to follow its growth strategies, to replace out of dated plants and equipments, and to absorb market risk (Aaker, 2001). But how can we measure the profitability of an organization? The most basic and important tool to measure profitability is the Return on Assets, which is calculated by dividing the organization’s profits by the assets involved (Aaker, 2001). The ROI measures how much profit the organization can produce with the capital that is available to them (Gitman, 2009). The company’s goal is to increase the ROI, because higher the ROI, the better. That’s why the ROA is so important for managers, investors and other business that may sell to this company. Strategic Marketing The Strategic Marketing includes creating a marketing plan that describes in detail the marketing mix, segmentation, and branding decisions. Branding is not just to increase sales in one product, but to any product that is associated with that brand. That’s why engagement matters; it pulls customers back into the business and at the end of the day leads to repeat sales (Goodman, 2012). There are many different ways to use branding to support the organizations growth strategy, but for each specific growth strategy that are different approaches that can be used in order to achieve success (Aaker, 2001). Sustainable Branding will also increase customer loyalty where customers will recognize the quality of the product or service every time that they see the brand (Aaker, 2001). Downsizing, Mergers & Acquisitions Mergers & Acquisitions essentially have the same features where the end result is one company where two existed. As stated by Shook & Roth (2010), during a merger and acquisition process, the organization will try to eliminate any overlapping positions and this process can cause downsize, which is the process of restructuring a organization in a way that brings reduction of a part of the company’s employees. If the M&A is successful, the new company will be more cost effective, efficient and mostly important, profitable (Holden, 2010). Mergers and acquisitions can also reduce significantly the competition and the overhead for both companies (Holden, 2010). Consultants can be key facilitators of a smooth transition (during a M&A) by ensuring that there is sufficient understanding and ‘buy-in’ at the leadership level about the costs of not addressing the culture issue early in the M&A process. There is plenty of empirical evidence suggesting the failure rate of M&A’s due to issues with the unsuccessful meshing of a newly merged corporate culture. During an M&A, cultural change often represents the ‘soft side’ of the transaction. Everybody agrees about its importance but it seems too frequently to take a rear seat in the stated price tag synergies to be accomplished, as well as, how the new administrative track that needs to be quickly put in practice. Conclusion The main goal of a business consultant is to provide a professional or/and expert advice, but in order to do it, it’s vital that consultants understand the need to become an expert on their client’s business and industry; it’s also very important that consultants understand the need to communicate in their clients’ language. Also, in order to be effective, the consultant should be able to use motivation to trigger the organization members to change their behavior in order to achieve the organization goals (Fernandez-Huerga, 2008). As a consultant, my goal is to support the company’s administration to resolve management, manufacturing, marketing, or other issues by providing: * Focus and direction, * Expert analytical skills, * Objectivity, and * Knowledge and experience obtained from earlier assignments Also as a professional I will help clients to define a project’s goal and capacity, and together with administration prepare a comprehensive proposal to document how the project will be implemented in order to achieve the desired objectives and steps along the way. Also I will make sure that the proposed changes are approved by the client before put in practice. Another very important issue is to maintain confidentiality during and after the assignment. My ultimate goal as a consultant will be to develop a concept of a sustainable competitive advantage (SCA) and to neutralize the SCAs of competitors (Aaker, 2001). Using the Game Strategy, which is a study of strategic decision making, the consultant will be able to develop important insights concerning the strategy and how it should be addressed providing a rational choices for businesses dilemmas (Wood, 2012). References Aaker, D. (2001). Developing business strategies (6th Ed.). New York, NY: John Wiley and Sons, Inc. Berman, K. & Knight, J. (2008). Financial Intelligence For HR Professionals. Boston, MA: Harvard Business Press. Fernandez-Huerga, E. (Sep2008). The economic behavior of human beings: The institutional/post-Keynesian model. Journal of Economic Issues (Association for Evolutionary Economics, 42 (3), 709-726. Gitman, L. J. (2009). Principles of managerial finance. (12 ed.). Boston, MA: Addison-Wesley. Goodman, G. F. (2012). Engagement marketing: How small business wins in a socially connected world. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons. Holden , P. (2010). Economies of scale: a quick explanation [Video file]. Retrieved from YouTube website: Marks, M. (2003). Surviving MADness. HR Magazine, 48(6), 86. Marks, M., & Mirvis, P. H. (2012). Applying OD to Make Mergers and Acquisitions Work. OD Practitioner, 44(3), 5-12. Shook, L., & Roth, G. (2010). Downsiz ings, mergers, and acquisition: Perspectives of human resources development practitioners. Journal of European Industrial Training 32(2), 135-153. Spiegel, M. (2000). Principles of corporate finance. Unpublished raw data, Yale School of Management, Retrieved from (n.d.). Retrieved from Wickramasignhe, V. & Karunaratne, C. (Mar2009). People management in mergers and acquisitions in Sri Lanka: employee perception. Journal of Human Resource Management, 20 (3), 694-715. Wood, N. (2012). Behavioral Economics. [PowerPoint slides]. Retrieved from

Academic Argument Essay

Academic Argument Essay The Need for Rehabilitation Momm, like many brothel girls, had become addicted to methamphetamines. Often the brothel owners give girls meth to keep them compliant and dependent. In her village, the craving had overwhelmed her, and she was consumed by the need to go back to the brothel and get some meth. Women everyday, all over the world are being held against their will. Many of these women are bought, sold, and used for sex or labor. In the book Half the Sky by Nicholas D.Kristof and Sheryl WuDunn they focus on the prevention of sex trafficking by giving shocking statistics and first hand accounts of gruesome situations women have been through (Kristof). Sex trafficking is often seen as a non-issue because women often give consent to the sex after being involved for a long period of time. Because brothel owners are harsh and unsympathetic, women are left powerless and defenseless. Even after being rescued from brothels, women need rehabilitation in order to live a productive, successful life because they are brainwashed and drugged, have nowhere to go, and acquire no skills to maintain a normal job.On the United Nations website, it states that people participate in trafficking women â€Å"for the purpose of exploitation† (United). By exploiting women in the case of sex slavery the women are raped and brainwashed. Women often times refuse to have sex with clients at first, but after continuously being threatened, beaten, and drugged, the women have no other option but to give in to having sex. After years of this kind of mistreatment, women eventually get used to the horrible circumstance that they are in and often don’t even see it as much of a problem. At this point, the brothel owners have succeeded in brainwashing the women.Women being trafficked are rarely fortunate enough to be saved. However for the lucky ones, once rescued the women view the rescuer as a bad person for taking them away from the life that gave them food and drugs. Anywhere between 700,000 and four million women and children are trafficked around the world (Sexual). Without rehabilitation, women would just go straight back to the brothels because they no longer see a problem with what they are doing. People in support of sex trafficking view women as participating voluntarily despite the fact that they are held against their will. By keeping women in ehabilitation after being rescued, they have a much better chance of breaking their drug addiction, reversing the brainwash, and becoming educated citizens. Not only do trafficking victims have to recover from the brainwashing and drug addiction, they also have to find a place to live. Women are often held for years at a time in brothels. After being free of a life of prostitution, they have nothing and nobody to go to for help. This is where rehabilitation comes into play. It lets women get accustomed to everyday life out of the brothels and it can help them find a place to go an d people to help them.In one case, volunteers helped Neth and Momm to find their families that they had not seen in over five years (Kristof). Without these volunteers and this type of rehabilitation, these two women would have had a very slim chance of making it out of the red light district. Brothel owners may think that they are doing these women a service by providing a place to live for them, but ultimately the women could do that for themselves if they had the ability to make and income. In addition to finding women a place to go after the rape, it is vital that these victims are given the chance to be educated.With education comes opportunity. Debatably the hardest part of fighting drug trafficking is to recover the women and give them a life after the struggles of being prostituted. With education comes skills for jobs, knowledge of what happened to them, and the ability to help out with others going through the same situation. Education in third world countries is often a c hallenge for families because they don’t have the money or resources to send their children to school. However, if a woman is educated, it decreases her chance of living in poverty and being trafficked (Kristof 167-170).Although some may think the cost of education outweighs its benefits, it gives opportunities to advance in society. As volunteers assist women in escaping the brutalities of sex slavery, it is important to recall that the solution is not simply taking them from the source of the problem. Rehabilitation is also vital for the women’s success because it treats them for being brainwashed and addicted to drugs, gives them a place to live, and provides much needed education. Traffickers themselves may think that rehabilitation is not necessary, but that is for their own financial gain.So let’s give our support in every way possible to help stop the cold realty of sex trafficking and the negative side affects if brings to the women involved. The solutio n to ending trafficking lies within us all. Works Cited Kristof, Nicholas D. , and Sheryl WuDunn. Half the Sky: Turning Oppression into Opportunity for Women Worldwide. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 2009. Print. â€Å"Sexual Trafficking Facts. † The Facts. Initiative Against Sexual Trafficking. Web. 01 June 2012. â€Å"United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime. † What Is Human Trafficking? United Nations. Web. 31 May 2012.